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Monday, July 6, 2009


Failing Government...
Corrupt Government...
Corrupt Politicians...
Corrupt Policies...
Corrupt Actions...
Failing Economy...
Failing Health care...
Failing Education...
Failing our Troops...
Failing our Children...
Failing Hope...
Failing Life...
What the fuck did I go to war for again?


  1. Hello:
    I found your blog thru some that I follow, and I just want to say thank you for your Service to our Country. What an honour to be awarded the Purple Heart. I know many good citizens appreciate all you gave for the USA. This current gov't is just a glitch, don't let it cloud the founding principles of America, they still beat in the heart of every good person.

    In these trying times it's very hard to try and stay positive. I just know we will be delivered from this obamanation, and be stronger for it. God Bless you and keep on blogging, this site is great.

  2. Long Live All Free Nations
    and yes you guessed it...
    Death to the New World Order

    I have no military background but I salute you sir.

  3. Despite the chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons in Iraq, you went to proliferate the U S of A as the most powerful nation. You went over there to kick some terrorist (religious Extremist, and other idiots) ass. You see corruption starts with rotten people. When they are given power everything starts to stink. The problem is you went to keep these idiots out of power. But the people don't care to have peace and prosperity and elected those idiots back into office. Out of laziness or what have you; the real crux however, is the laziness in America. You fought for Americans to be lazy, useless, burger flippers.
    Do not under any circumstances believe I belittle your particular efforts or those of our fine service men and women. I'm merely saying that war should wean out intolerance and hate; but here it only moved the intolerance and hate to a worse place. In this war, you went over there with bad orders, and the worst premise. Stability has not been made even if we put posterity aside. In short you fought for me to drive my turbo legacy, and drink until I get messed up, so I can drive drunk and inject women with hormones.
    (not that I do those things a lot, just saying it happens often in america) 'Us' Americans Salute You Sir! Even if the war was nothing more than a farce of diabolical origins, you fought to stand for our country and democracy. The world will die regardless. With us or without, hope has been lost since the cold war came to a close. You simply showed the world we are number one still, even in the world we have today. I only fear a real war could be on our hands because of our actions.

  4. Amusing Bunni- is a purple heart really an honor? it seems like more of a slap in the face to those who went, fought, but were not physically injuried. As if to say, "we value you less". Not to make light of the injury you suffered Rob.

    Just saying, it seems petty to give a solider a medal for getting hurt. Give him one for just going to war in the first place. That alone is more bravery than the majority of the people will ever show(including myself).

  5. Thank you much, all... made me feel a little better. I'm just going through alot, putting people through alot, and not sure whats coming to all of this, myself, us, the country. Who really knows... Thanks for words of support... I'll write more today... I have a whole SLEW of new ideas and things that need to be addressed. You all rock! I know who you are IRIS! i recognize that eye. Thanks AdamS and Ontog... And Amusing Bunni...

  6. All you can do, N.O.V., is speak the truth and do what is right. Everything in this world boils down to those two elements. Speak the truth as you see it, and damn the liars and thieves who are running our country now. And always, always do the right thing that needs to be done. If others disagree, that's their problem, not yours. And as Churchill said, "Never, Never, Never, Never give up! Semper Fi, buddy!
